Exotic Plants
For more information on which plant is suitable for your location see our Plant Description.

Brunfelsia latifolia
Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Exotic with non-invasive roots. Grows to 2 metres high x 1 metre wide. Handsome evergreen shrub. Has a perfumed flower violet when young fading to white with age. The shrub is often massed with both colors at the same time. Hedging, Shaping or Topiary, Shade Growing Plants Plant I.D. No. 48
Caesalpinia ferrea
Leopard Tree
Exotic with invasive roots. Grows to 10 metres high x 5 metres wide. A very attractive tree that sheds its bark in large flakes, leaving a patchy grey and white effect on the trunk. Fast growing, with masses of yellow flowers. Excellent garden specimen for the bigger garden. Bird Attracting, Invasive Roots, Shade Growing Plants Plant I.D. No. 49
Delonix regia
Exotic with invasive roots. Grows to 12 metres high x 10 metres wide. A hardy spreading deciduous canopy tree with showy red flowers. Feathery leaves atop a knotty and stout thick trunk. Ideal shade or specimen tree for the larger garden. Bird Attracting, Invasive Roots, Shade Growing Plants Plant I.D. No. 50
Duranta repens Sheena’s Gold
Golden Duranta
Exotic with non-invasive roots. Grows to 3 metres high x 1.5 metres wide. Dense foliaged light green/gold colored shrub. Makes an ideal hedge or feature plant in a pot. Ideal plant for that splash of golden color in the garden. Can be trimmed to any shape and size. Bird Attracting, Coastal (Salt Tolerant Plants), Hedging, Shaping or Topiary, Water Wise Plants Plant I.D. No. 51
Ficus benjamina Exotica
Weeping Fig
Exotic with very invasive roots. Grows to 20 metres high x 10 metres wide. Has a thick and stout stem with aerial roots from the branches. Evergreen with dark glossy green leaves. Fruit are small, dark red in color, roundish figs. Has very invasive roots. Bird Attracting, Coastal (Salt Tolerant Plants), Invasive Roots, Low Lying Areas (Wet Area Plants), Shade Growing Plants, Water Wise Plants Plant I.D. No. 52
Jacaranda mimosifolia
Exotic with invasive roots. Grows to 12 metres high x 8 metres wide. Spectacular spreading fast growing deciduous tree. Has striking lavender bell-like flowers during spring. Delicate lacey foliage turning gold during autumn. Ideal street tree or feature tree for large gardens. Bird Attracting, Invasive Roots, Shade Growing Plants Plant I.D. No. 53
Lagerstroemia speciosa
Queen Crepe Myrtle
Exotic with invasive roots. Grows to 10 metres high x 5 metres wide. Deciduous tree with greyish trunk. Long leathery leaves that turn copper red in autumn. Masses of large pink panicles at the branch tips. Ideal as a specimen tree. Bird Attracting, Invasive Roots, Shade Growing Plants Plant I.D. No. 54
Magnolia grandiflora
Bull Bay Magnolia
Exotic with invasive roots. Grows to 15 metres high x 8 metres wide. Evergreen branching tree. Leaves are simple deep green and glossy with rust colored underside. Large (25cms) white blooms with 6 to 12 petals Ideal as a specimen tree. Has invasive roots. Invasive Roots, Shade Growing Plants Plant I.D. No. 55
Magnolia grandiflora Exmouth
Magnolia Exmouth
Exotic with non-invasive roots. Grows to 10 metres high x 5 metres wide. Evergreen tree with conical growth habit, leaves are glossy green. Creamy white perfumed flowers from spring to autumn. Ideal as tall screen or specimen tree. Bird Attracting, Coastal (Salt Tolerant Plants) Plant I.D. No. 56
Magnolia grandiflora Little Gem
Magnolia Little Gem
Exotic with non-invasive roots. Grows to 4-5 metres high x 2.5 metres wide. This compact form of Magnolia grandiflora is deal as a specimen tree with creamy white perfumed flowers in spring to autumn. Can also be used as a hedge. Suitable for most climates. Full sun or part shade. Likes well drained soil. Bird Attracting, Coastal (Salt Tolerant Plants) Plant I.D. No. 57
Metrosideros vit Fiji Fire
Fiji Christmas Bush
Exotic with non-invasive roots. Grows to 3 metres high x 2 metres wide. Ideal as a specimen tree or a hedge. Attractive and hardy medium sized evergreen tall shrub. Brilliant deep burgundy new growth throughout year. Does well in exposed seaside conditions. Small red flowers appear at times in spring & summer. Attracts birds and butterflies. Coastal (Salt Tolerant Plants), Hedging, Shaping or Topiary, Shade Growing Plants Plant I.D. No. 58
Metrosideros cv. thomasii
New Zealand Christmas Bush
Exotic with non-invasive roots. Grows to 4 metres high x 2 metres wide. Ideal as a specimen tree or a hedge. Attractive and hardy medium sized evergreen tree. New growth silver/white changing to dark green. Abundant bright orange pom-pom like flowers in spring/summer. Does well in exposed seaside conditions. Attracts birds and butterflies. Bird Attracting, Coastal (Salt Tolerant Plants), Hedging, Shaping or Topiary, Shade Growing Plants Plant I.D. No. 59
Michelia figo Coco
Large Leafed Port Wine Magnolia
Exotic with non-invasive roots. Grows to 2.5 metres high x 1.5 metres wide. Evergreen medium shrub with dark green glossy leaves. Small brownish-pink richly fragrant flowers. Makes an ideal hedge or feature in a pot. Bird Attracting, Hedging, Shaping or Topiary, Shade Growing Plants Plant I.D. No. 60
Michelia figo
Port Wine Magnolia
Exotic with non-invasive roots. Grows to 2 metres high x 1.5 metres wide. Evergreen medium shrub with dark green glossy leaves. Small brownish-purple richly fragrant flowers. Makes an ideal hedge. Bird Attracting, Hedging, Shaping or Topiary, Shade Growing Plants Plant I.D. No. 61
Murraya paniculata
Mock Orange
Exotic with non-invasive roots. Grows to 3 metres high x 2 metres wide. Ideal as a hedge, screen or container plant. Good shaped in a pot as a balcony specimen. Evergreen shrub with highly perfumed white flowers in summer. Coastal (Salt Tolerant Plants), Hedging, Shaping or Topiary, Shade Growing Plants, Water Wise Plants Plant I.D. No. 62
Plumeria obtusa
Evergreen Frangipani
Exotic with non-invasive roots. Grows to 5 metres high x 3 metres wide. Evergreen with dark green, glossy large leaves. Heavy scented large cluster of white flowers. Makes an ideal statement plant. Very hardy, slow growing. Coastal (Salt Tolerant Plants), Low Lying Areas (Wet Area Plants), Shade Growing Plants, Water Wise Plants Plant I.D. No. 63
Plumeria rubra cv. Pink Lady
Pink Frangipani
Exotic with non-invasive roots. Grows to 5 metres high x 3 metres wide. Large oval shaped leaves on a deciduous tree. When tree loses leaves the flowers appear as large clusters of pink/mauve. Impressive large tree. Bird Attracting, Coastal (Salt Tolerant Plants), Low Lying Areas (Wet Area Plants), Shade Growing Plants, Water Wise Plants Plant I.D. No. 64
Strelitzia reginae
Bird of Paradise
Exotic with non-invasive roots. Grows to 1.5 metre high x 1.5 metre wide. Evergreen clump-forming plant with large long-stemmed broad leaves. Orange flowers with blue tongue on long stems during spring. An excellent contrast or feature plant. Bird Attracting, Coastal (Salt Tolerant Plants), Shade Growing Plants, Water Wise Plants Plant I.D. No. 65
Tabebuia argentea
Silver Trumpet Tree
Exotic with non-invasive roots. Grows to 7 metres high x 3 metres wide. Semi-Deciduous tree with very unusual corky bark. Glossy silver/green leaves with clusters of trumpet-shaped bright yellow flowers, which almost smother the crown in late winter. A spectacular feature tree. Bird Attracting, Coastal (Salt Tolerant Plants) Plant I.D. No. 66
Tabebuia pallida
Pale Pink Trumpet Tree
Exotic with non-invasive roots. Grows to 6 metres high x 4 metres wide. Shade tree similar to the Tabebuia palmerii with a more rounded leaf. Can flower several times throughout spring and summer with off white to rose pink blooms. Can tolerate poorer soil conditions. Bird Attracting, Coastal (Salt Tolerant Plants) Plant I.D. No. 67
Tabebuia palmeri
Pink Trumpet Tree
Exotic with non-invasive roots. Grows to 8 metres high x 5 metres wide. Showy flowering deciduous tree, with masses of pink flowers in late winter. An ideal specimen tree. Bird Attracting, Coastal (Salt Tolerant Plants) Plant I.D. No. 68